lifestyles of the not quite rich...yet STILL FABULOUS

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Saturday, January 03, 2009

Blackberry Storm

I imagined that the Blackberry Storm would make me super-organized for work. It hasn't. Here's what I like about it & what I don't:


-You can synch your phone to your yahoo calendar.

-It comes with Word-to-Go so you can upload docs on there. BUT, you have to buy the premium version if you really want to use it like the real MSWord program.

-You get used to the touch screen.


-Even though I qualified for a new phone every 2 years with Verizon, I only got $50 off this phone. Scam-a-roma

-Since it grabs your info from your yahoo account, it added all the email address of misc. people I don't really talk to that often into my contacts list. Now it takes longer to find the people who I really do want to talk to.

-I was surprised that it didn't come with its own calendar software like palm does.

-BUT, you have to by the premium version if you really want to use it like the real MSWord program.

All in all, I loved my T-Mobile Sidekick and wish they had updated that to have video on it & MSWord. Now THAT would be a phone that I'd want to buy.


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