lifestyles of the not quite rich...yet STILL FABULOUS

You too can live the fabulous life.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Cell Phone Drama

Recently I got calls and e-mails from Verizon telling me I qualified for a "New in 2" which means $100 off a new cell phone after my 2 year contract expires, if I sign a new 2 year contract. I decided to check out T-Mobiles Sidekick 3 so I could check my e-mails and ebay while on-the-go. I signed up for the Sidekick plan which gives you unlimited web, txt, & e-mail for $29.99 a month. It works great. I added on "voice" so i can use it as a cell phone. They have CHEAP plans, and they discount your Sidekick plan if you're using it as a phone too, so it's only $19.99. Now, here comes the problem. T-mobile dropped 4 of my calls in less than a week. Naturally I switched back to Verizon. I still wanted to be able to access the web, so I inquired about Verizon's data plans. It costs $45.99 a month to use the web, and you still have to have a txt messaging plan. So, I am keeping my Sidekick 3 for $29.99, and I just got a cute pink Motorola Razor phone from Verizon to use as my cell phone. I guess you get what you pay for with cell phone service.

Super Suppers

While I was in Ireland my boyfriend's brother told me about Super Suppers. I LOVE this place. For about $130 I prepare 12 half sized meals (6 full family sized meals) for me and my boyfriend. All the ingredients that you need for each recipe are right there in front of you with measuring cups, mixing bowls and tin pans to store your food in. Everything is already pre-cut and chopped and ready to go. Then you bring the food home and put it in your freezer until you're ready to cook them. While you're making your meals they serve appetizers, sangria and play 80's music for you to bop around to.

What I love about this is that it takes me only 2 hours to prepare 12 meals with my friend while sipping Sangria. This saves me MANY hours shopping for ingredients, going back to the store when I forgot an ingredient, washing, chopping, preparing the food & cleaning the kitchen.

Now when I get home from work I can go to the gym, and afterwards I put the food in the oven while I'm showering. Ah, you will not believe how much easier this has made my life. Thank you Super Suppers.

Heifer International

In 2007 I want to get more involved in volunteering and charities. I'm in a great place in my life and have never been happier. I want to do what I can to help those in need.

In an end-of-the year bout of charity I went on Heifer International's website and made a donation. Your money helps children and families around the world become self-reliant by giving them animals and animal training. The animals can help them with farming, produce eggs, wool, etc. to sell for food and basic necesssities. When their animals reproduce they share them with their neighbors to help other families as well. I wound up donating a llama, flock of geese & basket of hope.

I originally heard of this organization through my sister. Last year for Secret Santa she asked that the money that would be used to buy her a present go towards this organization. They have an excellent program where you can donate money in someone's name as a gift and they will get information about the animal(s) that you donated. This year I heard about a parent who donated money in a teacher's name as a holiday gift. I thought it was a wonderful idea.

It's a No Go for GoSmile

After watching a New Year's special on beauty products I purchased GoSmile at Sephora. I bought the "Advanced Formula B1 Tooth Whitening On the Go". It's a 7 day/night treatment. I also got the Day & Night toothpaste to go with it.

I got a cleaning at the dentist the day before I started the GoSmile treatment because I wanted to do it right. My teeth were sparkling white after my cleaning at the dentist. After 7 days of GoSmile, my teeth weren't any whiter. The cleaning from my dentist had worn off, and GoSmile didn't even maintain that.